Distance: 11.3km / 7mi (*9.6km/6mi)
Elevation: medium - high
Rotation: be aware of the direction, depending on your starting point : northern loop = clockwise / southern loop = counterclockwise
Parks/Pedestrian: ca. 4.6km (40%)
Urban constraints: low
Suggested start: Corner Princes Street-North Bridge/ as any urbirun route, you can start wherever you want. Watch for the route rotation direction.
Scotland's capital, home of the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh lies on volcanic hills, and therefore is not flat. It is divided into two distinct parts. On the one hand the medieval Old Town, hung on a rocky peak dominated by the Castle. Its carved stones are barely distinguishable from the raw volcanic rock on which it is erected. And on the other hand New Town, the new town built below in the 19th century and a Georgian elegance. You'll enjoy this run, through history, parks, and green hills.
*Alternative route: 9.7km, without Calton Hill
You'll be able to select between different distances during your run.
NB: if you are unsure, check your position on the map and the track.
City: Edinburgh
Language: FR, EN
Content Provider: urbirun