Distance: 9.1km / 5.65mi
Elevation: high
Direction: clockwise
Parks/pedestrian: ca. 1.4km (15%)
Urban constraint: low, watch the cobblestone and the tramways
Suggested start: Don Pedro IV Square (Rossio).
As any urbirun route, you can start wherever you want. Watch for the route rotation direction.
Public transportation: Subway, Rossio Station (green line) or Restauradores Station (blue line), and many tramways
Lisbon spreads over several hills, making it a challenging city for runners. But the effort is worth it. Its narrow streets, its stairs lead you to great views, through a maze of narrow alleys, in a unique atmosphere in Europe, along the majestic Tagus.
*if you feel unsure, check your position on the map.
City: Lisbon
Language: EN, FR
Content Provider: urbirun