Distance: 11.9km / 7.4mi (*8.6km/5.35mi or 13.9km/8.6mi)
Elevation: medium
Rotation: counterclockwise
Parks/Pedestrian: 2km (ca 17%)
Urban constraints: low-medium
Suggested start: Aquarium of the Bay, Pier 39 / as any urbirun route, you can start wherever you want. Watch for the route rotation direction.
Public transportation: Lines F or 39, Embarcadero station
San Francisco is known to be different from all other US cities for its cultural diversity, unconventionality, tolerance and openess. Beyond the lifestyle, the particularism of San Francisco reflects in its urbanism. A human sized city, it is not crushed by the skyscrapers. The Victorian houses are still standing in many areas on the slopes of the famous hills and along sometimes very steep streets. Town facing the sea, surrounded with water, San Francisco has a special charm which makes it one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Discover the North Beach district, Fisherman's Wharf. You will see the Golden Gate and Alcatraz, you will climb hills, pass from quiet neighborhoods to the moderate excitement of the center of this libertarian, high-tech, multicultural city, with artistic and ecological fiber, all in a delicious sweet way of life.
*Alternative route you can choose a shorter route 8.6km / you can also lenghten the tour by 2km (total 13.9), running to the tip of the jetty to listen to the ocean through the wave organ
NB: if you are unsure, check your position on the map and the track.
City: San Francisco, CA
Language: FR, EN
Content Provider: urbirun